BC Hydro Marine Cable Replacement Project
LTE Inc provided Environmental Management Planning and Monitoring services for the BC Hydro capital project to
Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program for Mining
- LTE Inc provided personnel and services to the primary contractor, Environmental Resources Management (ERM),
Central Estuary Restoration Project
Biophysical monitoring services were provided by LTE Inc for this important restoration project in the Squamish
Literature Review on RAPR Setback Efficiency, Disturbance, and Climate Change
LTE Inc conducted a review of relevant literature to improve understanding of the efficacy of the current Riparian
Trent River Estuary Eelgrass Transplant
LTE Inc provided eelgrass transplant services to plant an area with eelgrass over 1000m2 in the Trent River estuary
Howe Sound Glass Sponge Reef Mapping
LTE Inc compiled and analyzed glass sponge reef mapping information provided by the Marine Life Sanctuaries Society